About Us

We had the idea to create a virtual interior consulting firm after meeting each other during a design competition. Through our experience working together, we quickly realized that we want everyone to be able to get the professional help they need in order to make their dreams become real! The mission of A2 is to deliver great design solutions that make you feel more comfortable in your home.

Hi! I am Adriana...

I have a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a master’s in urban design. I have been passionate about architecture since I was a child, more specifically for the interior design area (seriously, I could stay hours decorating my barbie’s house).

While loving my job and master’s choice, interior design continues to be my go-to area of interest, and A2 is the opportunity to get me closer to it.

In my free time, I love going out for picnics at the park with my family and friends (including my dog), sipping wine while binge-watching a recently discovered TV show, and discovering new places o visit.

Hello, I’m Ariadna!

I have a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urban Design and a diploma in Architectural Technology. I was always passionate about interior design and have been working in this field for seven years.

When I’m starting a project, my focus is to address all of my clients’ needs and expectations. That’s why I guide my designs based on functionality (solving any issues) in the most effective and beautiful way.

In my free time, I love travelling (especially to somewhere by the beach) and trying new foods. I’m constantly looking for new experiences, new things to learn and explore.